
May be I need some change

After 2 days' thinking about the details and did some sketch. I'm afraid ican't do a well work on "proto-type house", since i can't got anyinteresting and exciting ideas on it anymore. I think I can't do aarchitectural and satisfied work on it. This situation always made me sad.

So I want to focous on the ideas "microwave power station","storage of theenergy" and "microwave show". I want rebuild a new virtual work(a group ofdevice) to harvest the energy of microwave and transform them to theelectricity, then it will be stored in the "bus stop" which can spply thepower to the bus and house beside it.

I have already do some device to mimic the microwave(door device andmoving groud). I want let them be a new landscape and also a kind of toyfor people.They will have fun with those device. The device will besetting with "microwave power station" together. I want make the site toa "microwave park".I think it will be a amazing leisure place for people.
