


Last term I did a sample project which is a network in the forest. It is not all of my idea. In this term, the project will be going forward. Actually, my aim is creating a biomorphic manufactory which includes the different function device parts like power, producer and storage. This manufactory will be used to improve the environment situation in the site and offer the better habitats for animals and plants like supply the food to the birds and improve the nutrition of the soils. The site I chose is in east of London-- the Ripple Nature Reserve. This area is a industrial area, and there are a very large power station-- Barking Power Station—beside the set. The site was used for a dumping area for pulverized fuel ash, but now the nature reclaim industrial wasteland. The entire devices of manufactory were made by metal, glass, rubber and some compound. It will work automatic.

First of all, I am very interested in biomorphic mechanical device. Like last term I create a little device which like a plant, but not very successful. So this term I make a more believable and general project. Actually, It is clear to comprehend that the species in the world are all the especial machines, and they are on a unique way of evolution. Thus I want find the possibility of another way of development. Secondly, the architecture in the nature is an exciting event for people. The whole nature is complicated system, people can discover many architectural information in the nature, and also crate the new natural biologic architecture. Like the picture drawing by Yves Tanguy (1900-1955) who is crate a fantastic mechanical biology figure. Finally, the human activities always have the bad effect for animals and plants. It will have a significant impact for the society if people can change this situation.

There is a big electric transformer substation and Microwave Station near the set. When it works, it will set off the stronger microwave radiation which is harmful for animals. All the set will be covered by this radiation, but the levels of the intensity are different, which means the area closer to the transformer substation has a high level of microwave radiation. So I draw a picture to describe the change of the microwave radiation intensity in this area based on some measure. It is very clear to show in the southeast and northeast zone have higher intensity, thus, the energy collection device are setting here for receive the radiation for energy.

The forest is a very complicated system, it supply the material for life to the many species. There are marshes, trees and water in this area and the soils is more fertile than other zones. Thus, the “reactor” devices are setting here, it can absorb the abundant material like water, organic compound, ion and CO2, then compose them to carbohydrate and other compound. And these materials can be store in the “storage” device, which also can store the energy collected by “receiver” device.

In the open zone, the dumping of fuel ash has created a soil that is very alkaline. This means that many plant species that can tolerate the soils of The Ripple struggle to grow elsewhere locally. But it is a long term to reduce the content of alkaline in the soils by nature. The “cleaner” devices are direct setting on the soils in this open area. It can make this process faster by produce the weak acidic organic compound.

The northwest zone is also forest area. In the other aspect, the intensity of microwave radiation is the lowest in the site, which is less harmful for animals. So this zone can be used for the habitats for animals. After some observe and research, the main species in the site are some birds: Partridge, Magpie, goldfinch; bees and butterflies. Thus, it is helpful to set the “birds’ nest” and “honeycomb” device which can offer the comfort environment and food for infancy animal.

1 条评论:

Sunshine alike 说...

Love the shape and outlooking of those devices set in the system.But I am curiuse if there are some stuff filled in the honeycomb to provide food for the bees or it just providing a nest for bees to live in ?
Besides, did the original picture of the "the Field Hybrid Ecologies & the Distribution of Device" came from the Google Earth?
From Zhu Hai ^^
ps:Sis asked to read the blog and leave some comments.But I found the contents are so professional and I couldn't understand most of them.^^|||……